Saturday 6 October 2012


The Fashion Channel (Case Study)

Case Facts

TFC - Only network dedicated to fashion.

Revenues forecasted to be 310.6 millions USD (2006).

Market reach of 80 million US households.

TFC grew with the strategy of mass marketing till date.

Most avid viewers: women aged 35-54 years


Case Facts (contd.)

Competition from fashion programming by Lifetime and CNN.


Dana Wheeler recruited to build on the momentum and to stave off the competition.

Main sources of revenue are advertising sales and cable



Problem Statement

Select the best possible segmentation and positioning strategy for the year 2007


Current Scenario of Competitors

Lifetime Fashion Today:

 Programming Profile : Fashion news ad information

63% Female viewership, highest among the three networks

Mainly targeted age groups 18-34 and 35-54 with viewership of 43% and 42 % respectively

Average rating : 3.0


Current Scenario of Competitors (Contd.)

CNN Fashion Tonight:

Programming Profile : Fashion news and features with celebrity focus

45% Male viewership, highest among the three networks

Mainly targeted age group 35-54 with viewership of 40%

Average rating 4.0 ( highest )


The Segmentation Scenarios to choose from

Scenario 1

Broad multi-segment approach

Cross-segment of Fashionistas, Planners & Shoppers and Situationalists

Scenario 2

Focus on Fashionistas

Target group : Females aged 18-34

Smallest segment targeted, thus drop in viewership




Current Scenarios to choose from (Contd.)

Scenario 3

Dual targeting approach

Targeted segments : Fashionistas and Shoppers & Planners


Scenario 1 analysis

Average CPM decreases by .20, but it gives opportunity of an increase in average rating of 1.2% with revenue $2,376 per minute from advertisements which yield advertisement revenue/year of $249,080,832.

 This figure is greater than current and base outcomes.

Brings no extra Incremental Programming Expense

The increase of expenses as mentioned in exhibit 5, it yields $94,908,407 net income which is slightly higher than current outcome but much higher than base outcome.

Scenario 2 Analysis

A reduction in average rating of .2% from the current year, it allows a huge increase in average CPM with $3.50 which brings advertisement revenue/year of $322,882,560.

This figure is far greater than current, base and scenario 1 outcomes.

The expenses and extra Incremental Programming Expense of $15,000,000

It yields net income of $151,496,083 which is far higher than current, base and scenario 1 outcomes.

Scenario 3 Analysis

 the opportunity of both a higher average rating of 1.2% and average CPM of $2.50 than the current and base years which comes up with advertisement revenue/year of $345,945,600

Not surprisingly higher than current, base, scenario 1 and scenario 2 outcomes.

The expenses and extra Incremental Programming Expense of $20,000,000

It yields net income of $168,867,232  which is much higher than all other outcomes. We see also the highest margin of 39% in this scenario.


After analyzing all the three scenarios as we find that the scenario 3 is resulting in highest margin, it is most fisible and appropriate decision to make.


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